Preserving the History of Flower Mound Texas
About the Mound
The Flower Mound is located at 2400 Flower Mound Road, Flower Mound, Texas, on the northeast corner of the FM3040 and FM2499 crossroads. This historic site is a 12.576-acre native Tall Grass Prairie segment of the Great American Black Land Prairie. Nineteenth century settlers named this landmark, The Flower Mound, for the profusion of wildflowers that grow there.
The Flower Mound is also the namesake of Flower Mound, Texas, and a town of almost 65,000 in southern Denton County about thirty miles north of the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex.
Long time Flower Mound resident Otto Consolvo dedicated himself to preserving The Flower Mound from property development. On July 25, 1983, Consolvo and a group of dedicated citizens succeeded in purchasing the site and placing it into a permanent land conservancy under the care of The Flower Mound Foundation.
On January 11, 1984, The Texas State Historical Commission approved The Flower Mound as a State of Texas Historic site.
The Flower Mound is located at the Northeast corner of Long Prairie Road and Flower Mound Road. The main gate entrance is via the parking lot on the corner. There is an additional entrance along Flower Mound Road with quick access to the large shade tree and table.